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1.15.2014 PATRIOTIC COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes


                         January 15, 2014

A quorum being present, Co-Chairperson Pat Begley called
the regular meeting of the Patriotic Commission to order at
7:15 p.m. in the 2nd floor conference room of the Town Hall
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:   Paul Barry, Bernard Corona, Chuck Clark, Pat Begley,
Vincent Parys, Susan Tukey, Gregory Sims, Edward Dettore,  
Excused:  Eugene Pushefski Sr., Margaret Byrnes.  

Absent: Joan Barbara Ross, Melodie Wilson

Also present: Robin E. Parys, Clerk,    

Opportunity for Citizens to speak: None.        

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Vincent Parys made a motion to approve the minutes of November 20, 2013 after the minutes are amended
To indicate that Pat Begley was excused Not absent, seconded by Commissioner Edward Dettore.

MOTION: Approved


BILLS:  None

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Commission Budget is now $11,420.05 designated as follows: Clerk- $765.00, awards- $125.00, special events- $6400.00, flags-$4300.00. Motion made by Commissioner Vincent Parys
To accept the treasurer’s report as presented. 2nd by Commissioner Edward Dettore.

Motion: Approved

UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS :  Chairperson Margaret Byrnes was injured last month and the Commission is not aware if arrangements were made with the state and local representatives to attend the January 15th meeting to discuss our concerns regarding the placement of Veterans
in the Hartford Veterans Day Parade. State Representative McGee, and Hartford Councilman Wooten who were invited by Commissioner Greg Sims
had scheduling conflicts.
Co-Chairperson Pat Begley will attempt to make arrangements to have
the representatives available for our February 3rd meeting.
The letter for reappointment to the Commission has been sent to the
Mayor’s office for Commissioners: Bernie Corona, Paul Barry, Edward Dettore. All other Commissioners whose term has expired must contact
their local representatives to have themselves re-nominated to serve
on the Patriotic Commission.  


NEW BUSINESS:  The Patriotic Commission Wishes Chairperson Margaret
Byrnes Speedy recovery.!!!
Commissioner Chuck Clark made a motion to pay the clerk.  2nd by Commissioner Bernie Corona.
A new strategy to resolve the issue with the Ferris group and the placement of Veterans in the Veterans Day parade was proposed by
Commissioner Paul Barry, it will be discussed at the February
meeting providing our representatives are able to attend.
A suggestion was made by Commissioner Paul Barry to attempt contacting the Governors Foot Guard to march in our Memorial Day
Parade. Letters will be sent out seeking the Guards participation.

  ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Gregory Sims made a motion that was
2nd by Commissioner Paul Barry to adjourn at 7:45 P.M.      
MOTION: Approved

Respectfully submitted

Robin E. Parys, Clerk

Cc:  Town Clerk (original)
    Office of the Mayor